Thursday, November 29, 2007

More snow!

We got more snow this morning and it was still snowing when I got up! It was so pretty. I was hoping it would stick around because Little Miss Priss had her 15-month check-up at 9:30 and I knew Mischievo was excited about playing in it. It was still snowing when we left for the doctor's and it was still snowing when we came back home. Here's some pictures.

Here's Mischievo all ready to play in the snow!

And here's the snowman we made.

Here's a video of it snowing.

It snowed for a long time even when it hit 36 degrees! Then when the temperature started dropping again it stopped! I'm hoping we'll get more snow tonight. I think that we might.

I have more cute pictures of the kids but I'll have to do another post for that.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving and a catch up post

I am so far behind! I actually started this post on Saturday and I'm just now getting around to finishing it!

So, for Thanksgiving we ended up going to Seattle to visit my husband's family. I was so glad because originally we had planned to just stay home. I was very disappointed that we wouldn't be spending our Thanksgiving with any family. We left on Wednesday afternoon and got to my husband's parent's house about 8:00, I think. We actually met them for supper because they were on their way home from Aberdeen and were only a few miles ahead of us!

For Thanksgiving dinner we went to my husband's sister Leah's house. It was so nice to see everyone. I wish I had taken more pictures, though. I don't know why I have such a hard time taking pictures. I just never feel like taking my camera out until I see that someone else is taking pictures, too. So, then I think, "Oh, maybe I should take some pictures, too!". So, here's a picture of all the kids at their own little table. They had lots of fun eating together. They also had to be goofy for the camera!

Here's Little Miss Priss all ready for some turkey. She seemed to like everything.

And here's the newest addition to the family, Connor. (He had to wait for his turkey!) It was so nice to get to hold him. It made me excited to hold my own little one.

Here's Little Miss Priss enjoying an afternoon snack.

Here's Little Miss Priss and Mischievo having lots of fun at Grandma's.

I actually ventured out shopping on Black Friday, too. It was fun and I got a lot of good deals. I had seen a scrapbooking tote advertised at Michael's for 50% off plus a coupon for 25% off, but you had to get it before 9:00 a.m. So, I made it there just before 9:00 and got the last one! I was so happy, I've really been wanting a tote to organize my scrapbooking stuff in. It was originally $80 and I ended up paying $30!!! We went back out shopping that afternoon and I found the cutest matching outfits for the kids at Children's Place on the clearance rack. I was so excited because I've been wanting to get them matching outfits but its hard to find boy and girl matching clothes unless you want to pay tons of money for them. So, it was a shirt for Mischievo and a skirt for Little Miss Priss. I think I'll get their pictures taken in them, if I ever get around to it! I'm so bad about getting things like that done. I also got a few cute maternity shirts, too. So, all-in-all it was a pretty good day. We went back home on Saturday because my husband had work he wanted to get done since he's so busy right now.

Here's some picture's that I've been meaning to post for a week now! We got some snow last Monday morning.

Even, though it wasn't much snow it still made everything look so pretty. It was all melted by lunch time. My husband took Mischievo out there on his sled before breakfast which was a good thing since it was starting to melt by the time we finished breakfast. Mischievo has been so excited for it to snow. Hopefully this is a good sign that we'll be getting more before winter is over. I bought him a snow suit last winter that he never got to wear! So, hopefully he'll get some wear out of it this winter. It's a little short on him but his boots come up high enough to keep him warm. Little Miss Priss is all set with a hand-me-down snowsuit from her cousins but her feet are so small that I can't find any snow boots to fit her! She still wears a size 2. Anybody have any ideas of where I can find boots that small? Children's Place said they had them as small as 3's but I couldn't find any and besides I don't think I want to spend that much on them. She probably won't really need any, since she'll hardly know what she's missing. I doubt I'll be playing in the snow that much either.

Thanks for all the comments on the last post, especially from those that haven't left any before. I really appreciate it. :)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Random pics of my kids

I haven't done a slide show in a while and I have a lot of cute pictures of my kids that I've been meaning to post, so I thought I would just do a slide show! So, here it is.

Plus, I'm going to use this post to expose any lurkers! If you've been reading my blog and haven't left me a comment, than you have to right now! It doesn't take long, I'd like to know who all is reading my blog.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

16 week belly pic

Well, here it is. A picture of my belly at 16 weeks. I was thinking that I wasn't getting very big, but it sure looks huge to me in this picture!
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It is definitely different than my other two pregnancies. By this time with the others I couldn't wear any of my regular skirts, I had to wear maternity clothes. I can still wear my regular skirts and I just need longer shirts, so I don't even have to wear maternity shirts. With Little Miss Priss I was in all maternity clothes by 8 weeks! I'm not sure why it's so different this time around. I think that my stomache muscles may be in better shape and stronger this time. I try to hold my stomach in as tight as I can all the time and I think that helps. I was definitely in better shape before I got pregnant this time. My stomach was way flatter than I ever got it after I had Mischievo.

The other thing is I can totally feel the baby moving now! It feels like it is just as active as my other two were! I guess I'm in for another busy one. I've actually been feeling the baby for the last month, but now it feels like a lot more than just little flutters. It's such an awesome feeling. I love it. I'll be sick of it in about 4 months, though, I know. I'll be getting real hard kicks and punches then. I think I really love being pregnant. At least during the 2nd trimester!

I'm also thankful that I'm not having as much trouble with my right hip as I did with my other two. I had terrible pain by now. It didn't even go away after I had Little Miss Priss until she was at least 5 months old. I felt like I might as well still be pregnant because I didn't feel any better! I worked out with a personal trainer and I really think that helped and is helping now. It will ache a little every once in a while but it is nothing like it was with my other two. All-in-all I'm feeling really good this pregnancy. I certainly don't feel like I'm having my 3rd baby! I can't believe how fast time has flown. After I had Mischievo I didn't know how I could go through all that again and here I am on my 3rd already.

Here's a video of Little Miss Priss walking like a big girl.

It is so much fun watching her walk! I never get tired of it. She looks so cute. It is such a relief to have her walking. It seemed like she would never walk! Now she won't scuff her shoes up so bad crawling. Also, now she can go play outside without getting so dirty and ruining her tights. She could go wherever she wanted when she was crawling, so it doesn't make any difference now that she's walking. A lot of people say "You're in trouble now that she's walking!", but I don't think so. I was already in trouble anyway! I'm in trouble with both of my kids and probably the one on the way! Everyone wonders how we got such active kids, but the truth is I was very active as a kid and so was my husband. He's still active! People just don't know the real Matt and Mary!!!

I keep forgetting to post about a funny thing Little Miss Priss did the other night. We had put the kids down for bed and since they share the same room they sometimes talk awhile before they fall asleep. This time it sounded like they were having a grand old time doing something. So we went to check on them and Little Miss Priss had her pajamas completely off and was playing with them. They both thought it was so funny! At first we weren't sure if she did it all by herself or if she had some help. I put her back in her pajamas and back in her crib. I thought I would watch her and see if she did it again. Sure enough, she unzipped her pajamas and started shrugging out of them! It was really funny. She finally went to sleep without taking them off, but in the morning she had them unzipped quite aways down. Such a funny girl!

Monday, November 5, 2007

She's Walking!

Finally! At 14 1/2 months old Little Miss Priss is walking! I wrote yesterday down in her baby book as the official day that she walked. I don't consider a few steps walking. I won't write it down until they are walking most of the time. Yesterday was the first time she actually walked almost everywhere. If she fell she would get right back up and start walking again. This is so exciting to me. I've been waiting for this for a long time. It is so cute to see her walking. She's so proud of herself, too. Here's a video clip that I took of Little Miss Priss walking a while ago. She was just practicing and it was so cute because she would walk to Mischievo and hug him, then he would carry her back to my husband.

Here's a cute pic of Mischievo and Little Miss Priss
I have not been doing very good at taking pictures or blogging! I always have a post in my mind but it never makes it to the computer. There's always something else I'd rather do. I guess I get a little discouraged sometimes. I'm not sure whether people really find it interesting or not to read my blog. I keep meaning to have my husband take a picture of me so everyone can see how big my belly is getting, but I never remember. So, maybe I'll try to make that my next post.
Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker